The Introspective Introvert stems from my need to prove Spike Milligan’s quote - ‘Most people live a nothing life. The only important thing they ever do is die’ - wrong by trying to have a few ‘something life’ endeavours. For many, starting a blog/newsletter is no big deal. For me it is as big as it gets towards leading a ‘something life’. Recreation marathoning for the last decade has been my other ‘something life’ endeavour. But that has been a largely inward driven one.
With The Introspective Introvert, the fact that my thoughts are being put out there is akin to exposing myself naked to people, mostly known (which makes it worse) and maybe some unknown (who could give me suspicious looks were a chance encounter to happen).
Every alternate Wednesday you will get to read about my musings on diverse topics, some familiar, some familial. Being an avid reader (am yet to reach the voracious reader status) of quality news, editorials, classics, crime, biographies, autobiographies, interviews and being a voracious music listener (I am a U2 fanatic and a firm believer in Tower Records’ motto of No Music No Life), you will find my essays peppered with quotes or lines from some song that help me crystallize my random thoughts into succinct phrases. There will also be a short review of some form of content I have watched – these could be repeat reading for some/all of you, so pardon the repetition.
Happy reading!