While not a fan of F1, its pretty interesting to read up about Hamilton. Very nicely compiled information presented beautifully. Maybe Tendulkar comes close to Hamilton.

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Thanks, Bhavesh. Tendulkar is definitely an overachiever in his field. But one doesn't really know what he stands for or what he believes in. One usually finds him on the non-committal side of things - not just those which are not related to his field, but even on things that are to do with it. He seems to be happy just basking in or resting on is laurels. He did have a fantastic opportunity to rise and truly live up to the adulation once he retired. I think it was wasted.

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Calling a Spade a Spade, so very You :-)

You batted the googly pretty well!! I think most of our sports stars have wasted the opportunity.

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Hi Shantanu. I used to watch F1 many years ago. Now just read about who won in the papers. Interesting aspects about Lewis highlighted by you. Well written piece.

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Thanks, Sanjay. 🙏🏾

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This was a very interesting write up ..though I am not much into following sports and distant from racing, the aspects beyond racing are a great learning . Makes one understand how certain Individuals excel on the field or tracks due to the kind of approach they carry when off the field or tracks .

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Yes, this time the topic was a bit niche since not many watch F1. Which is why I thought of giving it an angle that could be relatable than just focus on his sporting achievements. Knowing your non-interest in any sports, in that sense someone like you was a good barometer to check if it worked. Glad it did.

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Uncle, this was one of the most enjoyable reads I’ve had in a while! I found it incredibly insightful and interesting, and I couldn’t help but smile from the very beginning. I completely agree with your views on Hamilton as a true statesman. There was so much about his life beyond athletics that I didn’t know, so thank you for sharing that inspiring information. It’s been an extraordinary few months in sports, with India, Spain, Alcaraz, and Hamilton getting the W!

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Thanks, Advait. I’d chanced upon the traits of a statesman sometime back. Hamilton’s recent win got me thinking and I found that he ticked all the boxes. Super guy. We’re fortunate to see his rise.

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